Human rights in Islam: What are they?
Answer: By PeaceTV
According to PeaceTV, Islam preceded modern international pacts in establishing human rights as they are more profound and compelling in Islam.
PeaceTV believes, Islam never refuses anything achieves the interest of mankind and brings happiness. Moreover, the acts of some Muslims cannot be used as evidence against Islam and the rulings of Islam cannot be derived from the practical implementation of some Muslim individuals. This is especially in the time which witnesses the emergence of groups deviating from the teachings of Islam such as QSIS, killing innocent people because of their affiliations, displacing the Christians and selling women to human trafficking.
According to PeaceTV, in regard to the philosophical methodology of human rights in Islam, Islam is the only civilization which has provided a comprehensive concept of human rights. Moreover, it states that Islam’s view to man which comprises an integral component of the Muslim’s intellect emerges from the Muslim’s view to the universe through which he sees the entire universe praising God; “And there is not a thing except that it exalts [ Allah ] by His praise.” [Qur`an 17: 44]. Therefore, the true believer regards man as the master of this universe who enjoys reason, knowledge and bearing the trust. God the Almighty says: “And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference.” [Qur`an 17: 70] Nevertheless, God the Almighty has subjected whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth to mankind: “Do you not see that Allah has made subject to you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth.” [Qur`an 31: 20]
Furthermore,PeaceTV believes, the fatwa stated that tracking Islamic sources establishes the fact that Islam guarantees mankind [in general without any racial or religious preference] a number of rights in order to maintain the mastership of this universe. Islam regarded these rights as human necessities that cannot be forfeited whether individually or collectively.
There is a group of essential rights such as the right of living, freedom and equality and the difference between establishing these rights in both the Islamic and the international levels.
Therefore, the concept of preserving human rights is clearly evident in Islam as it enjoys numerous privileges surpass those in any other international agreement and can be summarized as follows:
The First: Its precedence and obligatoriness in Islam which has been established more than fourteen centuries ago. On the other hand, international declarations and pacts have emerged in our present time. Furthermore, preserving human rights in international pacts are merely recommendations and teachings but in Islam it is a duty characterized by penal procedures.
The Second: Its profoundness and comprehensiveness because in Islam, preserving human rights comes from the Qur`an and the Sunnah of the Messenger [peace and blessings be upon him]. However, in laws and pacts, human rights come from the human intellect which could be subjected to errs and influenced by human weakness and deficiency.
The Third: In Islam, preserving human rights is a matter immunized and protected by the religion since it comes in the form of divine obligation which gives it the sanctity and forbids treating the matter lightly.
God Almighty Knows Best.
Hope PeaceTV has answered your question.